National Tourist Industry

La Tranche Sur Mer
Objective: To examine the economic, social and environmental impacts of tourism on popular destinations
For this small section of work, you will be recording down the theoretic pros and cons of tourism to destinations globally. You will then use this information to further your understanding of the issues in Vietnam and for IST students, it will form your IA investigation in Sitges, Spain.
a. Click here for the background information on the issues surrounding tourism.
b. Complete all tasks as requested using this framework to record your information. Fill in each of the six sections with at least three factors.
For this small section of work, you will be recording down the theoretic pros and cons of tourism to destinations globally. You will then use this information to further your understanding of the issues in Vietnam and for IST students, it will form your IA investigation in Sitges, Spain.
a. Click here for the background information on the issues surrounding tourism.
b. Complete all tasks as requested using this framework to record your information. Fill in each of the six sections with at least three factors.
Case Study - Vietnam Objective: To carry out a case study of Vietnam as an example of a national tourist industry
Starter: Get a feeling for Vietnam by watching the Michael Palin video to the right hand side. Task 1 - Build up your background knowledge of Vietnam by completing the introductory worksheet below.
Vietnam Animoto Task (Thanks to Greenfield Geography Wiki)ECONOMIC ADVANTAGES
Task 1 - Split into two groups and complete the tasks as set out below.
Group 1 - You want to work for Tourism Concern, an organisation that highlights and promotes the negative impacts of tourism. i. You should produce an A3 Display that is split into four sections (socio/cultural, Environmental, Political, Environmental) with images only to portray the negative issues; ii. Four cartoons with no speech bubbles aimed at highlighting one issue from each of the four sections. Group 2 - You want to work for the Vietnamese Tourist Board, an organisation that highlights and promotes tourism in the country. i. You should produce an A3 Display that is split into four sections (Socio/Cultural, Economic, Environmental & Political) with images only to portray the positive impacts. ii. Four cartoons with no speech bubbles aimed at highlighting one issue from each of the four sections. |
example Student Animoto Videos
Sustainable Tourism

Objective: To evaluate the strategies designed to manage and sustain the tourist industry.
The market for traditional tourism is still strong, but increasingly people are looking for destinations further and further afield to experience new cultures, traditions and languages.
Starter: Watch the two 'Idiot Abroad' videos beneath (note strong language) to see the sorts of activities that tourists partake in.
Background reading - Guardian Online Article May 2012
The market for traditional tourism is still strong, but increasingly people are looking for destinations further and further afield to experience new cultures, traditions and languages.
Starter: Watch the two 'Idiot Abroad' videos beneath (note strong language) to see the sorts of activities that tourists partake in.
Background reading - Guardian Online Article May 2012
Credit: Thanks to Greenfield Geography Wiki for this information
IST Student Task (requires subscription to GeoFile Online
Task 1 - Read GeoFile 722 - Sustainable Tourism Myth or Reality? (September 2014)
Using a green and an orange highlighter pen, shade in green positives that sustainable tourism can bring to communities and in orange the drawbacks.
Exam Corner - Tourism can never be truly sustainable. Discuss.
Task 2 - Read GeoFile 598 An Eco-Tourism Case Study - Costa Rica (September 2009)
Complete the four activities on the back page of the publication.
Task 1 - Read GeoFile 722 - Sustainable Tourism Myth or Reality? (September 2014)
Using a green and an orange highlighter pen, shade in green positives that sustainable tourism can bring to communities and in orange the drawbacks.
Exam Corner - Tourism can never be truly sustainable. Discuss.
Task 2 - Read GeoFile 598 An Eco-Tourism Case Study - Costa Rica (September 2009)
Complete the four activities on the back page of the publication.
Alternative Task: Produce a two sided A4 fact sheet about either a sustainable tourism or ecotourism initiative for a location of your choice.
Use the What? Where? When? Why? Who? approach and try to cover as many of the SEEP +/- as possible. Possible examples: 1. Costa Rica - Monteverde Cloud Forest - Link (also see the PDF document to the right hand side) 2. El Salvador - Link 3. Sarawak, Malaysia - Link (Word Document) 4. Kerala India - Link |
Introduction to The Gambia - Watch this at the start of the lesson.
Tourism as a Development Strategy

Objective: To assess the importance of tourism as a development strategy for low-income countries.
Watch the six minute tourism video at the bottom of this page.
We will be focusing on The Gambia for this small unit of work. Click here to be taken to a fact-sheet about tourism and The Gambia.
Task 1. Construct a mind map using the following titles as 'legs'. Remember, you only need a few words for each. See the example at the foot of this page completed by S. Rizal (Y13 student) in 2013.
a. Gambia - Profile
Include population stats, location, GNP, language, literacy rates.
b. Economic Activity
Include foreign debt levels and reason for overdependence, cash crops, tourism.
c. Tourism Background
Include % of GDP, numbers employed, growth rates.
d. Benefits of Tourism in The Gambia
Include the information in Figure 3 - Table - Benefits of Tourism.
e. Problems caused by Tourism in The Gambia
Include information on flow of income out of the country, % profit made by the country, wages, skilled jobs.
f. Sustainable Development in The Gambia
Include information on definition of sustainable development, issues in Gambia, unemployment, new initiatives.
g. Aims of Gambia Tourism (Fig 5 on the last page)
Highlight the main aims.
Task 2. Read 'The Gambia: Paradise or Purgatory?
On your copy of the article, highlight and annotate the areas that point towards tourism as being a development strategy for the country. Are there any areas where you can see possible exploitation taking place?
Task 3 - IB Essay style question:
"Western style tourism brings only mimimal advantages to LEDC destinations and widens the development gap even further". To what extent is this statement true? (10).
Watch the six minute tourism video at the bottom of this page.
We will be focusing on The Gambia for this small unit of work. Click here to be taken to a fact-sheet about tourism and The Gambia.
Task 1. Construct a mind map using the following titles as 'legs'. Remember, you only need a few words for each. See the example at the foot of this page completed by S. Rizal (Y13 student) in 2013.
a. Gambia - Profile
Include population stats, location, GNP, language, literacy rates.
b. Economic Activity
Include foreign debt levels and reason for overdependence, cash crops, tourism.
c. Tourism Background
Include % of GDP, numbers employed, growth rates.
d. Benefits of Tourism in The Gambia
Include the information in Figure 3 - Table - Benefits of Tourism.
e. Problems caused by Tourism in The Gambia
Include information on flow of income out of the country, % profit made by the country, wages, skilled jobs.
f. Sustainable Development in The Gambia
Include information on definition of sustainable development, issues in Gambia, unemployment, new initiatives.
g. Aims of Gambia Tourism (Fig 5 on the last page)
Highlight the main aims.
Task 2. Read 'The Gambia: Paradise or Purgatory?
On your copy of the article, highlight and annotate the areas that point towards tourism as being a development strategy for the country. Are there any areas where you can see possible exploitation taking place?
Task 3 - IB Essay style question:
"Western style tourism brings only mimimal advantages to LEDC destinations and widens the development gap even further". To what extent is this statement true? (10).