IGCSE Geography Enrichment - Population Studies
Researching A Famous Refugee
What is this work about? This short unit of work will seek to explore the impact that refugees have made when they have moved to a new country, found a niche and become famous. Often, refugees and immigrants face criticism and backlash from the media, political groups and some of the resident population. However, there are a number of refugees who have fled their homeland only to go on and contribute to the life and culture of their adopted country. This research task will aim to uncover the movement of your chosen refugee, including the push factors and the impact that they had on their destination country. Starter - The Basics
i. Watch the first video to the right and be sure you know the difference between a refugee and a migrant. ii. Then watch the second video featuring someone you may have heard of. Research Task Use the two links below to start your research. The first link is a list of famous refugees from around the world and is categorised by the fields that they are now famous in e.g. music, medicine, film etc. The second link is to your research framework where you should record the key details of the person as well as what happened to them and why they left. This is not your final display - see instructions below. Try to choose a refugee who you have heard of before, but didn't realise that they had started life elsewhere in the world. Alternatively, choose somebody who is working in a field that you have an interest in (music, film, literature etc) |
The Display Task
What will it look like?
Now that you have completed your research task, it is time to turn it into an attractive and informative display. This will probably take the form of a poster in A2 size and you will need to include all the information in your research framework from the Research Task above. It is up to you how it looks and how it is presented but you can copy the same format of the research framework if you like.
The title
You must think of a title for your display that encapsulates the person and their movement. Look at some of the examples above - they are really clear.
Adding More Detail
In addition to this, you should aim to complete an extended piece of writing on the following:
a. Describe why your chosen refugee left their home country including historical details of the conflict / regime / persecution that they were fleeing.
b. Who was part of the conflict and how long had it been going on for?
c. How many other people fled to other countries?
d. How they travelled to their new country (if you can find details)?
Aim for about 300-400 words on this section and it should be detailed. A copy of this will be stuck to your display so make sure you check the grammar and spelling.
Other ideas
Cardboard cut out of the person - If you can find a high resolution image of your person (whole body), you can print out the image using block posters and then stick to a large piece of cardboard before cutting out. You will remember that I have a life size cut out of an indigenous tribesman in my classroom and I used this technique!
Your cut out person could form part of your overall display and would be a very appealing way to present your work.