How Can Climate Data be Displayed?
Objective: To construct a climate graph from raw data and to recognise patterns and processes from the finished model. Starter: Watch the video to the right. Write a definition of both weather and climate. What is the main difference between the two? How is climate and weather measured and recorded? Task 1 - Plot the climate data for a location in the Tundra and tropical rainforest ecosystem. You will need the following: Climate Graph Data Climate Graph Outline Task 2 - What drives the climate and how is it linked to the sun? i. Watch the first 1:10 of the 'Why is Equator Hot...' video to the right. Then complete the first side of the worksheet below: g8_tropical_climate_and_convectional_rainfall.docx ** ** The information to do this can be found here on this help sheet ii. Watch the third YouTube video to the right (Convectional Rainfall) and then complete the second side of the same worksheet. The information to do this can be found here on the same help sheet. |
What are the Values of Tropical Rainforests?
Objective: To find out about the physical structure of the rainforest, its adaptations and why removal can be damaging to the environment.
Starter: Watch the first video to the right. Task 1 - Where are the rainforests? i. Click here to find out. ii. On this worksheet, shade in the locations together with the names of the rainforests. Task 2 - The Research Download this task sheet to complete the following: i. Click here to research rainforests and their values. Complete the first activity on the first side of the task sheet using this information. ii. Use this worksheet (bottom diagram) to complete the second side of you task sheet. |