group 3 - Geographers Present to historians
In Year 12, our IB Historian peers presented a brief history of conflict in the Middle East to help us in our understanding of the developmental and economic settings of the current crisis. The Israeli / Palestinian conflict features regularly during our IB Geography course in both the SL and HL units of work. Our aim is now to give a series of mini presentations back to our historian friends bringing the situation up to date and using our geography knowledge, skills and understanding to deliver a series of presentations based around our core themes.
Since our presentations last year, there has been further escalations in violence in the area leading to the 2014 Fifty Day War. See the BBC video to the right hand side to get an update. 2014 will see five groups, each with two people in presenting one of the following presentations linked to our current scheme of work. Each section below contains two videos, three news report links and an image that you must make use of somewhere in your mini presentations. |
presentation 1 - water wars 2014
Protecting israel's interests or a stranglehold on Gaza?
Freshwater is an optional unit at IB Geography and is studied by our HL students only. This presentation will require that one person in the group is a HL student.
presentation 2 - dividing walls 2014
guaranteeing security or grabbing land?
Disparities in Wealth & Development is in the core unit of the IB Geography course. As part of this unit we have to study disparities that occur as a result of ethnicity and land ownership. We normally use Zimbabwe as the focus. Here we learn more about the issues in Israel & Palestine
presentation 3 - adventure tourism 2014
tourism in a war zone
Sport, Leisure & Tourism is the first optional unit that all SL & HL students study. We look at traditional versus modern tourism and look at how accessibility, affluence and technology has influenced the industry.
presentation 4 - immigration 2014
IMMIGRANTS V's immigrants
All HL & SL students study a unit of work entitled 'Populations in Transition'. This forms part of the core unit and deals with the issues surrounding international and internal migrations as well as persecutions. This presentation can be run by a mixture of HL & SL students.
presentation 5 - mini silicon valley - connecting people!
SUCCEEDING where the politicians have failed?
HL students study a sub-unit of work as part of their Global Interactions module entitled 'Socio Cultural Exchanges'. Part of this unit asks the students to study the impact of technology on cultural traits. At least one HL student should be part of this presentation.