Do You Remember This From Last Year?
Starter Task:
Prepare a one minute speech to give to your partner (in a language of your choice) about the state of the health and wealth of the world today. Maybe you could use the video to the right as your inspiration. |
What Do You See?
What do you see when you see the lines above?
On the first image the line at the bottom looks longer than the line on the top. The opposite happens with the second diagram. You can even measure them and will see that they are exactly the same ..... but you still think they are different lengths.
Even if you have problematic eyesight and wear glasses or contact lenses, you will still have the same problem. This is because illusions don't happen in our eyes, they happen in our brains.
Are You Smarter Than A Chimp?
Task - You are going to complete a short 13 question test now. This will determine if you are smarter than the chimp above. No pressure...
So, how did we do as a class?
Task - Open the worksheet below and let's work that out as a class average and compare that to the chimp. Add this information to the sheet and complete the activities on the first page.
Task - Now watch the video below from Ola to find out how everyone else got on.
Task - Open the worksheet below and let's work that out as a class average and compare that to the chimp. Add this information to the sheet and complete the activities on the first page.
Task - Now watch the video below from Ola to find out how everyone else got on.
Click on the tab below to access the Gapminder data set for all 13 questions. Make sure you check out the tabs at the bottom, particularly where you can check out the responses to each of the questions.
IST students can use 'France' as their home country if their actual home country is not listed.
Task - Complete the second side of your worksheet.
Homework - Print out a copy of the test and see how people at home do. Perhaps try older and younger family members.
Correct answers:
1: C, 2: B, 3: C, 4: C, 5: C, 6: B, 7: C, 8: A, 9: C, 10: A, 11: C, 12: C, 13: A
Is The World Getting Worse?
You may hear the statement "the world is getting worse" a lot from people around you. There are plenty of things that are bad in the world.
Task 1 - Complete the tasks set out on the worksheet above.
Use the graph below to complete the activity on the page 4 of the worksheet.
Task 2 - Use the first tab below to take your life expectancy test and complete the worksheet on the second tab.
Quiet Task
So, how long can we actually live for? Click on the link below to listen to the Podcast from the BBC. You don't need to take notes, just listen!