Grade 6 - Geography - Revision
Your examinations will be taking place in June. We have covered loads and loads of places, processes and interesting stuff so far this year and now, you have the privilege of completing a one hour exam and showing me that you know your stuff!
Want a sneak peek at your exam paper? Click here.
Post Exam Feedforward
What does feedforward mean?
Feedforward is the reverse exercise of feedback. It's the process of replacing positive or negative feedback with future-oriented solutions. In simple terms, it means focusing on the future instead of the past.
Once the exam has been completed and your work has been marked, please complete the feed forward process below.
PART 1 - Please download Part 1 of the G6 Geography Exam Feed Forward exercise below. Complete the sheet and then upload your work to the 'Geography Exam Results' task that has been created on ManageBac. Please do not change the name of the file.
PART 2 - You will now be given your exam paper. Study the marks and your responses carefully. When you have calculated your grade, download the Part 2 of the G2 Geography Exam Feed Forward exercise below. Complete the sheet and then upload your work to the 'Geography Exam Results' task that has been created on ManageBac. Please do not change the name of the file.