Just added some work to the Y9 tribes of the rainforest piece of work (Tundra to Tropical) entitled "What if the plane had landed?" - This asks the students to consider the implications of first contact on remote and previously uncontacted tribes. Got some really good work in from the Year 9 on their art task.... but will post details and photos tomorrow when they are marked. Maybe the best examples I have seen so far. They certainly put my drawing skills to shame!
Also, just adding to the IB Higher Interactions work on Political Outcomes and Nation States/EU. Found that the Greenfield Geography wiki is really useful for getting a grip on the issues and is great for the students to study first before getting their teeth into the case study. Lastly, our local area has been quite severely affected by flooding last weekend. Here is a picture of the river before (taken last Spring) and during (on Sunday) the flood event. We had very fast snow melt coupled with an extremely wet week. I am reliably informed that the last time it was this high was in the 1970's. It got to within 10cm of overtopping the leveé and the whole town was on alert! A lucky escape indeed.
Just completed a couple of lessons worth of work on Unit 3 of the Patterns & Change. Will need to develop the temperature changes and Milankovitch Cycle over the weekend for teaching next week. Can be found here http://www.geographypods.com/atmosphere--change-4hrs.html
Have been busy updating the IB pages to reflect new work for Global Interactions - Environmental Change - Agro Industrialization and Food Miles. I am going to add some new work on Fukushima and nuclear energy in the next week or so then go on to polluting industries and homogenization of landscapes ... an area that I always enjoy!
Gradually changing things over to the new iGCSE course that I am teaching this year. There is a fair bit of cross over between OCR B and iGCSE although I have got a huge amount to add to this site in the coming months. More soon .... Matt Just updated some stuff on biodiversity on the core patterns and change unit in IB Geog. This will provide 2 hours of class time and 1 hour of homework for the SL/HL students this year. This video is pretty good too ..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqxENMKaeCU
AuthorAuthor of geographypods.com. Archives
May 2018