Nike Debate - Team Video VersionObjective: To research the issues surrounding the NIDL focussing on Nike and its global operations.
Outcome: Mini documentary examining the views of different stakeholders in this global operation. Slideshow outlining pro's and con's of Nike's international activities. (Thanks to Storyboard (for filmed presentations) Planning Sheet for Presentation - here (print out in A3 size)
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Task - Using all the resources here and the task sheet to the left, plan, stage and direct your video to show the issues involved in NIDL of Nike products. The key question is as follows:
“Should Nike change its approach to global sourcing?” |
Nike Debate - New International Division of Labour / Globalization

Objective: To research the issues surrounding the NIDL focussing on Nike and its global operations.
Outcome: Chat-Show style debate examining the views of different stakeholders in this global operation. Looking beyond the obvious.
Slideshow outlining pro's and con's of Nike's international activities. (Thanks to
Student Booklet - here
Cards for Role Play Positions - here
Planning Sheet for Presentation - here (print out in A3 size)
Storyboard (for filmed presentations)
Speech outline - To be made by each role at the beginning of the presentation
Individual Resources from booklet and sources
Instruction sheet - Tasks and group information.
Thought bubbles - Issues associated with NIDL (Thanks to Blue Square Thing)
Globalization bubbles - Issues associated with MNC's (Thanks to Blue Square Thing)
Typical Story of issues in LEDC 'sweatshops' (Thanks to Blue Square Thing)
Outcome: Chat-Show style debate examining the views of different stakeholders in this global operation. Looking beyond the obvious.
Slideshow outlining pro's and con's of Nike's international activities. (Thanks to
Student Booklet - here
Cards for Role Play Positions - here
Planning Sheet for Presentation - here (print out in A3 size)
Storyboard (for filmed presentations)
Speech outline - To be made by each role at the beginning of the presentation
Individual Resources from booklet and sources
Instruction sheet - Tasks and group information.
Thought bubbles - Issues associated with NIDL (Thanks to Blue Square Thing)
Globalization bubbles - Issues associated with MNC's (Thanks to Blue Square Thing)
Typical Story of issues in LEDC 'sweatshops' (Thanks to Blue Square Thing)
Nike - Message to the world
Nike - The other side of the story
Living with globalization - Fashion
GCSE A*/A Extension WorkIn a quest to be knowledgeable, you should be pushing yourself to gather further information. The video on the left of this is a documentary that is worth watching to help you gain further understanding of the issues involving MNC's and NIDL.
Structure of lessons:
Lesson 1
Starter: Introduce the lesson by showing the Nike Promo video above. Discuss the global image that Nike is portraying of their business. Think about the images, people and music.
Task 1 - Show the 'History of Nike' video above. Make light of the fact that Nike are quite a young company but have developed very quickly in terms of NIDL.
Task 2 - Students complete activities 1-4 from P.190-191 of the OCR B Textbook and copy a definition of NIDL.
Task 3 - Show the Michael Moore meets Phil Knight video above. This has been done really well and raises a number of important questions. **Note that people are not complaining about the sweatshop issue, but about bringing jobs back to the USA**
Task 4 - Students to pick out cards from a hat. Each card represents a job type in the discussion. The 'figureheads of the group will be the two Nike Executives and the two Human Rights Activists.
a: Seat the Nike Executives at a table with Nike employees (USA) the Shareholder, the subcontractor and the Asia Economic Development Officer.
b: Seat the activists and the USA Economic Development Officer together.
c: Seat the sweatshop workers together on a different table.
Task 5 - Make it clear that the sweatshop workers could be swayed either way. They could group together to protest about the conditions experienced in these factories or they could be won over by the Nike corporation who could use them to highlight how they are paid more than local industry workers, betters terms and conditions etc etc.
Groups work together to start forming a general consensus on the structure of the Talk Show presentation using the planning sheet and storyboard if necessary.
Homework - Watch the YouTube documentary above - Living with Globalization - Fashion (20 mins)
Lesson 2
Groups use the resource booklet and the PowerPoint presentation to start putting their arguements together. Towards the end of the lesson, each group must make an appeal to the Factory Workers to come and join them. When this has been done, the factory workers must go to the team that they want to (not just because their mates are there!).
Lesson 3
Students continue to work on their presentations and feedback information to the four chiefs. At no point should the two groups collaborate with each other.
Lesson 4 - The presentation of ideas.
This needs to be managed carefully to avoid all hell breaking loose. The teacher should act as the talk show host and should use a pre-prepared markscheme to score effective arguements and particularly good retorts and questionning. (Markscheme will be added here shortly).
Exam Style Homework - The solution. How can all of these people work together to ensure that production continues whilst not having an adverse effect on the economies of the countries involved (MEDC, NIC & LEDC) ** this will be developed a little further when I see the outcome of the students work** - November 2011.
Lesson 1
Starter: Introduce the lesson by showing the Nike Promo video above. Discuss the global image that Nike is portraying of their business. Think about the images, people and music.
Task 1 - Show the 'History of Nike' video above. Make light of the fact that Nike are quite a young company but have developed very quickly in terms of NIDL.
Task 2 - Students complete activities 1-4 from P.190-191 of the OCR B Textbook and copy a definition of NIDL.
Task 3 - Show the Michael Moore meets Phil Knight video above. This has been done really well and raises a number of important questions. **Note that people are not complaining about the sweatshop issue, but about bringing jobs back to the USA**
Task 4 - Students to pick out cards from a hat. Each card represents a job type in the discussion. The 'figureheads of the group will be the two Nike Executives and the two Human Rights Activists.
a: Seat the Nike Executives at a table with Nike employees (USA) the Shareholder, the subcontractor and the Asia Economic Development Officer.
b: Seat the activists and the USA Economic Development Officer together.
c: Seat the sweatshop workers together on a different table.
Task 5 - Make it clear that the sweatshop workers could be swayed either way. They could group together to protest about the conditions experienced in these factories or they could be won over by the Nike corporation who could use them to highlight how they are paid more than local industry workers, betters terms and conditions etc etc.
Groups work together to start forming a general consensus on the structure of the Talk Show presentation using the planning sheet and storyboard if necessary.
Homework - Watch the YouTube documentary above - Living with Globalization - Fashion (20 mins)
Lesson 2
Groups use the resource booklet and the PowerPoint presentation to start putting their arguements together. Towards the end of the lesson, each group must make an appeal to the Factory Workers to come and join them. When this has been done, the factory workers must go to the team that they want to (not just because their mates are there!).
Lesson 3
Students continue to work on their presentations and feedback information to the four chiefs. At no point should the two groups collaborate with each other.
Lesson 4 - The presentation of ideas.
This needs to be managed carefully to avoid all hell breaking loose. The teacher should act as the talk show host and should use a pre-prepared markscheme to score effective arguements and particularly good retorts and questionning. (Markscheme will be added here shortly).
Exam Style Homework - The solution. How can all of these people work together to ensure that production continues whilst not having an adverse effect on the economies of the countries involved (MEDC, NIC & LEDC) ** this will be developed a little further when I see the outcome of the students work** - November 2011.