IGCSE Geography Revision Sessions Feb -Apr 2024
In the lead-up to the examinations, your teacher will run a series of after school revision sessions focusing on different aspects of Paper 1. There will also be a dedicated half-day of Paper 2 skills much closer to the final exams. See the schedule below and resources for the revision sessions.
To access the revision resources for each session, please click on the image below each session title. Revision sessions are designed to last approximately 45 minutes with 15 minutes at the end for questions or further discussion.
IGCSE Geography Final Exams - May 2024
Below are all the case studies as listed in the IGCSE Geography syllabus for 2024. These case studies are often used as the focus for the 7 mark questions at the end of each of the six questions.
To access the 6th and 7th mark in the question, you have to be able to state place specific information and data from the relevant case study and show a good understanding of the impacts / processes etc.
Paper 1 - Geographical Themes - 1 hr 45 mins
Paper 1 - The first exam will last for 1hr 45 and will test you on all the work that we have covered on the following units of work:
Question 1 & 2 - Population & Settlement Question 3 & 4 - Natural Environments Question 5 & 6 - Economic Development You will have to answer three questions in total from those available. You must answer * either Q1 or Q2 (Population or Settlement) * either Q3 or Q4 (Natural Environments) * either Q5 or Q6 (Economic Development). That's three questions in total in 1 hr 45 mins. Check out the Paper 1 (click to enlarge) front page to the right. Your exam will look the same. It is really important that you read the instructions carefully as you will have to understand what you need to do to avoid making big mistakes and completing too many questions. You will also get a resource booklet with photos and graphs in it. Some questions will require that you study the resource book carefully. Answer THREE QUESTIONS ONLY. 1 or 2, 3 or 4 and 5 or 6.
ICGSE Geography - Revision Videos - Paper 1
Below, you will find a selection of revision videos produced by IGCSE Geography teacher Mr Butcher. They cover analysis type questions linked to each of the key themes.
Paper 2 - Geographical Skills - 1 hr 30 mins
Paper 2 - This is a skills based 1hr 30 minute examination that tests your map skills, photo interpretation and graph interpretation using the topics we study at iGCSE as the focus.
Check out the paper 2 (click to enlarge) front cover to the right. Your real exam will look exactly the same. You will need a ruler, protractor, calculator and will be issued with some plain paper for workings out etc. You will also be given a map insert that will be used as a focus to test your four and six figure grid reference skills. If you don't revise for this, it will be a tricky paper and you have to answer all of the questions fully. You will have to make some quick calculations and not hang around. There are often 14 pages of questions to get through although there are few extended answers. Most of the responses are brief, circle the correct answer etc etc. Check out the mock examination papers below. |
IGCSE Geography - Revision Videos - Paper 2
These revision videos have been produced by IGCSE Geography teacher Mr Butcher. If you want the resources to go with each video, please click the link to watch the video on YouTube and then click on the Google Drive link in the video description.