
I am now on to the second cycle of using Mission:Explore site with my Year 7's. The aim of this is to get the students out and about and experiencing some personal and local Geogaphy ... with a twist!
"Mission:Explore is a game, but not as you know it. There are two aims to the game. One is to collect points and unlock rewards. The other is to experience the world in new ways by doing vitally important random and warped challenges. The more missions you do the more rewards you'll unlock and the more fun you'll have during your stay on planet Earth"
Initial uptake has been excellent and the students have been keen to get started with their missions. The Year 7 students require a parental email address but Y8 onwards can log on with their school email accounts.
Log on here and get involved in innovative Geography
Download the Mission:Explore App for your iPhone here
Information for 'Old People' underneath...........!
Letter to be sent to parents at the beginning of Year 7
Recording Sheet for Students to keep track of their Missions and show the teacher
"Mission:Explore is a game, but not as you know it. There are two aims to the game. One is to collect points and unlock rewards. The other is to experience the world in new ways by doing vitally important random and warped challenges. The more missions you do the more rewards you'll unlock and the more fun you'll have during your stay on planet Earth"
Initial uptake has been excellent and the students have been keen to get started with their missions. The Year 7 students require a parental email address but Y8 onwards can log on with their school email accounts.
Log on here and get involved in innovative Geography
Download the Mission:Explore App for your iPhone here
Information for 'Old People' underneath...........!
Letter to be sent to parents at the beginning of Year 7
Recording Sheet for Students to keep track of their Missions and show the teacher