Europe Migration Starter
Describe the international migration pattern into southern Europe and which destination countries are most affected?
Push & Pull Factors - Migration
Objective: To find out what makes people move inside and outside of their home country.
Simpsons Starter - Here - Apu gets deported.
Resources - PowerPoint
Watch the West Side Story video below. You will see two conflicting views on the USA. The ladies are idealistic (pros) and the gents are realistic (cons). How many of each can you remember?
Task 1 - Turn to page 74 of the OCR B Geography texbook and copy the key terms out underneath your title & objective.
Task 2 - Check out this interactive migration model. Click on your home country and list the top five groups of migrants who arrive there. Conduct some research to find out why people migrate to your country from the number 1 destination.
Task 3 - Create a table in your book / Word Document with two columns. The first column should be entitled 'Push Factors' and the second 'Pull Factors'. Try to think of at least five pull and push factors and write them down. Use your general geographical knowledge to apply places and people to your examples where appropriate. Alternatively, you may want to use this worksheet (courtesy of
Homework - preparation for next lesson: Watch the two part documentary below entitled 'Wall of Shame' Mexico to the US and take notes on content.
Simpsons Starter - Here - Apu gets deported.
Resources - PowerPoint
Watch the West Side Story video below. You will see two conflicting views on the USA. The ladies are idealistic (pros) and the gents are realistic (cons). How many of each can you remember?
Task 1 - Turn to page 74 of the OCR B Geography texbook and copy the key terms out underneath your title & objective.
Task 2 - Check out this interactive migration model. Click on your home country and list the top five groups of migrants who arrive there. Conduct some research to find out why people migrate to your country from the number 1 destination.
Task 3 - Create a table in your book / Word Document with two columns. The first column should be entitled 'Push Factors' and the second 'Pull Factors'. Try to think of at least five pull and push factors and write them down. Use your general geographical knowledge to apply places and people to your examples where appropriate. Alternatively, you may want to use this worksheet (courtesy of
Homework - preparation for next lesson: Watch the two part documentary below entitled 'Wall of Shame' Mexico to the US and take notes on content.
International Migration Mexico - USA
Objective: To discover the push & pull factors at work influencing the migration of Mexican nationals to the USA (and now in 2012, back again!)
You should have watched the 25 minute documentary above in preparation for this lesson.
Task 1 - Create a double sided A4 fact file about Mexican migration to the USA. The following will help you out.
i. CIA World Fact Book - Use this to find up to date figures for both countries for GDP (PPP), Life Expectancy & Literacy Rates.
ii. This teacher produced fact sheet to give you information on push and pull factors.
Task 2 - Pro's and Con's of migration and Lee's Migration Model.
i. Study the diagram below with your teacher. This is a famous migration model that we use at iGCSE and IB.
ii. Take a copy of this model and annotate each of the positive (Pull) & negative (Push) factors at work at origin (Mexico) and destination (USA) as well as the intervening obstacles that exist between the two countries.
You should have watched the 25 minute documentary above in preparation for this lesson.
Task 1 - Create a double sided A4 fact file about Mexican migration to the USA. The following will help you out.
i. CIA World Fact Book - Use this to find up to date figures for both countries for GDP (PPP), Life Expectancy & Literacy Rates.
ii. This teacher produced fact sheet to give you information on push and pull factors.
Task 2 - Pro's and Con's of migration and Lee's Migration Model.
i. Study the diagram below with your teacher. This is a famous migration model that we use at iGCSE and IB.
ii. Take a copy of this model and annotate each of the positive (Pull) & negative (Push) factors at work at origin (Mexico) and destination (USA) as well as the intervening obstacles that exist between the two countries.
Task 3. Create a table (on Word or in your books) to show impacts of migration (USA Positive, USA Negative, Mexico Positive, Mexico Negative) Study, the list below and sort out the statements into positive a negative impacts for both the USA and Mexico. Copy and paste the impacts into the correct column. Then use this link to find and sort some more impacts into the correct place.
Impacts on US (positive and negative)
Impacts on Mexico (positive and negative)
Task 4 - Exam Question: Describe and explain the impacts of migration the country of origin (Mexico) and the destination country (USA). (5)
Task 5 - Click here to be taken to a BBC news report about the situation in 2012. Make notes on the causes and effects of this new movement of migrants back to their country of origin.
Task 6- Mexican Superhero! Click here to be taken to a presentation outlining life as a Mexican Migrant in New York. Study the images carefully and complete the diary task at the end. This can be completed as either:
i. a video diary
ii. a written diary.
Use this structure sheet to help you out.
Impacts on US (positive and negative)
- Illegal migration costs the USA millions of dollars for border patrols and prisons
- Mexicans are seen as a drain on the USA economy
- Migrant workers keep wages low which affects Americans
- They cause problems in cities due cultural and racial issues
- Mexican migrants benefit the US economy by working for low wages
- Mexican culture has enriched the US border states with food, language and music
- The incidents of TB has been increasing greatly due to the increased migration
Impacts on Mexico (positive and negative)
- The Mexican countryside has a shortage of economically active people
- Many men emigrate leaving a majority of women who have trouble finding marriage partners
- Young people tend to migrate leaving the old and the very young
- Legal and illegal immigrants together send some $6 billion a year back to Mexico
- Certain villages such as Santa Ines have lost 2/3 of its inhabitants
Task 4 - Exam Question: Describe and explain the impacts of migration the country of origin (Mexico) and the destination country (USA). (5)
Task 5 - Click here to be taken to a BBC news report about the situation in 2012. Make notes on the causes and effects of this new movement of migrants back to their country of origin.
Task 6- Mexican Superhero! Click here to be taken to a presentation outlining life as a Mexican Migrant in New York. Study the images carefully and complete the diary task at the end. This can be completed as either:
i. a video diary
ii. a written diary.
Use this structure sheet to help you out.
Check out what is going on at the USA - Mexico border right now.
Click here to access the virtual border control application |
Internal Migration
Objective: To understand why people move within Brazil and to understand the issues that this creates at place of origin and destination.
In Brazil, movements towards the South East industrial region (Sao Paulo etc) from the North East drought zone called the Caatinga. Use the Google Map beneath to familiarise yourself with the location. Zoom out....! Starter: Should Margarita stay or go? Complete the card sorting exercise and activities as set out in the instruction sheets to the right hand side** Task 1 - Click here to download and save a document about migration within Brazil (IST students, document is on the Public drive) This will open up in PDF format. Make notes (don't copy word for word) on the four investigation titles paying particular attention to the push and pull factors. You only need to look at the first four pages. Task 2 - Watch the student-made video below right then make a sketch of a map of Brazil and show the internal migration movements with a flow arrow. Use the Google map below to help you. Task 3 - Click here to download a detailed analysis of the causes and effects of rural to urban migration (thanks to St Dunstans School, Somerset). Print out a copy for your folders and highlight the key aspects for revision.
Task 4 - Use the framework and your research notes from the background task to help you to answer the following GCSE Geography Population Question: a. Describe the push and pull factors influencing internal migration in Brazil (4) b. Explain how and why conditions in Sao Paulo can decline with a rapid growth in urban population (4) |
**Thanks to iGCSE Geography Lancaster Wikispaces for the resources.