How have geomorphic processes altered the coastline in Sitges &
how have people tried to manage these processes?
how have people tried to manage these processes?
Essential Resources
The documents underneath are vital to your fieldwork study. You already have a paper copy of the Fieldwork Booklet, but you will need to save a copy onto your computer and download the other documents underneath.
Chapter 1 - IntroductionWord Count 400 -
The Research Question: How have geomorphic processes altered the coastline in Sitges & how have people tried to manage these processes? 1. Write out the RQ above: 2. At this point, you must formulate two hypotheses to test against the question. (A hypothesis is a statement that you can test. A well written hypothesis is clear, directional and measurable) - See right for examples.. 3. Relevant information about the place chosen as the focus for the investigation - introduction to Sitges, a brief history of the town 4. Complete two hand-drawn maps showing its location within Spain and within Catalonia, together with a brief written description of location. 5. What are the expected outcomes - from what you have already learned about coastal processes and geology, what do you expect to find? Don't forget to show off your knowledge and include some of the theory above including definitions 6. An explanation of how the RQ and hypotheses link to the specification - "this piece of coursework relates to Unit 2 Natural Environments, sub unit 3 - Coasts Chapter 2
Word Count 300 You are going to be writing up your methodology in table format. You must be precise and detailed in your descriptions to be able to access full marks on this section. Here are the methods that you employed in Sitges: 1. Beach profile (this splits into several parts) a. Width b.. depth from groyne to beach 2. Longshore drift data on the pebble beach 3. Bi-Polar analysis of sea defences 4. Field Sketches of unprotected beach past the nightclub. 5. Photos & other observations - A list of equipment that you used can be found on the right hand side. It is important that you use the right names in the methodology. To avoid the tight word count, we are going to avoid this by putting the methodology into a table. Click on the button below to be taken to an example crib sheet. You may also include some annotated photos on a separate page to show you carrying out the methods in the field (your photos)
You are going to need to present your data to enable you to effectively answer both of your research questions.
Although you are going to complete some of these graphs and charts separately, they are going to be embedded as part of Chapter 4 so that you have your presentation and interpretation all together. First part of RQ - How have geomorphic processes altered the coastline in Sitges? For this question you will need to present: 1. The geology map of Sitges (complete your own sketch version) 2. Your field sketch of the hard rock features beyond the nightclub. A neat hand drawn copy would be best. 3. Your erosion and wave attack information sheet 4. Longshore drift data sheet & compass rose plotting sheet from the pebble beach. Second part of RQ - ...... how successfully have people tried to manage these processes? For this question you will need to present: 1. Beach profile data (needs to be collated by the class) and presented as a located bar chart. Data at the bottom of this page. 2. Bi Polar Analysis 3. Photos and other observations |
*Hypothesis - Not all beaches are eroded equally in Sitges Equipment used in Sitges field study – Sitges Here is a list of the equipment that you used on the Sitges study. You need this information for your methodology. Beach profile measuring · Ranging Pole · Clinometer and support pole (with spike on) · Measuring Tape · Camera to take photos · Table in workbooklet to record data Coastal Defences · Camera · Bi Polar Evaluation technique · Assessment of coastal defences at Sitges Pebble measurement to determine LSD · Compass · Ruler · Recording table in booklet Field sketches · Pencils · Outline sketch sheet |
How to do a located bar chart .... by Mr Podbury ..... and an annoying cat!
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Chapter 4 - Data Interpretation
Click the tab zabove for the full instruction sheet for this section of work. Follow the instructions carefully.
Word Count - 1000
How have geomorphic processes altered the coastline in Sitges & how successfully have people tried to manage these processes?
Consider this….
Dynamic (ever changing) stretch of coastline permeated by bands of resistant and less resistant rock. Fetch of up to 600km (coast of Sardinia). Frequency of fetch and direction of wave energy is predominately in two directions. Winter storms accelerate the levels of coastal erosion and sedimentary rocks such as limestone are more susceptible to corrasion. Sitges lies directly on top of soft clays and gravels and these are susceptible to faster and more dramatic rates of erosion.
Think about the two different types of coastline in Sitges and the associated features (hard rock & soft rock). Beaches and where the clay is found and just beyond the nightclub, there are hard rock features including wave cut notches, stumps and blow holes (plenty of photos). What causes these features? Link in to the different types of erosion.
How and where does LSD take place? What do your measurement tell you from the pebble beach? Does this match up with the groyne depth measurements on beaches 1-5?
Consider this ....
Sitges has been referred to as the St. Tropez of Spain with property prices approaching those of the most expensive European cities, the main reason for this being the setting by the sea and the surrounding . Proximity to Barcelona International Airport is also a major advantage. Tourism numbers every year are large and hotels, shops, bars and restaurants are spread over the resort. The resort generates €millions every year in tourism and is well known as one of the largest gay resorts in Europe. Expensive property on the sea front such as the €8 million Russian mansion!!
All this is worth protecting, especially when you have seen what geomorphic processes are at work above.
What have humans done to alter the coastline? What types of protection have they put into place, where and why and do they work?
How do these protection methods affect the geomorphic processes at work on this piece of coastline? You will need to study carefully your beach profile data sheet and bi-polar analysis.
Word Count - 1000
How have geomorphic processes altered the coastline in Sitges & how successfully have people tried to manage these processes?
Consider this….
Dynamic (ever changing) stretch of coastline permeated by bands of resistant and less resistant rock. Fetch of up to 600km (coast of Sardinia). Frequency of fetch and direction of wave energy is predominately in two directions. Winter storms accelerate the levels of coastal erosion and sedimentary rocks such as limestone are more susceptible to corrasion. Sitges lies directly on top of soft clays and gravels and these are susceptible to faster and more dramatic rates of erosion.
Think about the two different types of coastline in Sitges and the associated features (hard rock & soft rock). Beaches and where the clay is found and just beyond the nightclub, there are hard rock features including wave cut notches, stumps and blow holes (plenty of photos). What causes these features? Link in to the different types of erosion.
How and where does LSD take place? What do your measurement tell you from the pebble beach? Does this match up with the groyne depth measurements on beaches 1-5?
Consider this ....
Sitges has been referred to as the St. Tropez of Spain with property prices approaching those of the most expensive European cities, the main reason for this being the setting by the sea and the surrounding . Proximity to Barcelona International Airport is also a major advantage. Tourism numbers every year are large and hotels, shops, bars and restaurants are spread over the resort. The resort generates €millions every year in tourism and is well known as one of the largest gay resorts in Europe. Expensive property on the sea front such as the €8 million Russian mansion!!
All this is worth protecting, especially when you have seen what geomorphic processes are at work above.
What have humans done to alter the coastline? What types of protection have they put into place, where and why and do they work?
How do these protection methods affect the geomorphic processes at work on this piece of coastline? You will need to study carefully your beach profile data sheet and bi-polar analysis.
Chapter 5 - Conclusions & Solutions
Chapter 6 - Evaluation
Word Count 100
An effective evaluation must re-visit each of the methods you used in the methodology, but critically evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. e.g. Bi-Polar Analysis (Groynes) - This was my perception only on the day and my view of their effectiveness could vary from somebody who lives in Sitges and has seen the long term problem. A way to improve the method would be to ask a cross section of people from the local community. |
Checklist before final hand in
- Contents Page
- All pages numbered
- All photos, graphs, charts etc numbered in order e.g. fig 1, fig 2 etc
- Header of your name & Candidate Number
- Footer of International School of Toulouse FR042
- Front Cover with the following:
How do geomorphic processes affect the coast in Sitges, Spain?
Your Full Name
International School of Toulouse
An Image
Paper 3 - Coursework
iGCSE Geography 0460
Word Count (should be and cannot be no more than 2000). Even one word over will affect your final grade.