How have geomorphic processes altered the coastline in Sitges &
how have people tried to manage these processes?
how have people tried to manage these processes?
Chapter 5 - Conclusions & Solutions
Word Count 200 - Deadline Wednesday 16 October 2024 at 21h00
A conclusion is just that. You have short number of words to revisit your two original research questions (RQ's) and answer them succinctly.
How how geomorphic processes altered the coastline in Sitges?
Say what you found. Which process do you think is the most dominant and which bit of data / information proves this?
Then type your hypothesis.
Briefly say whether you have proved or disproved your hypothesis.
How have people tried to manage these processes?
Say what you found. Which management method (protection) is the most / least successful? Give the most important piece of information / data to back this up.
Briefly say whether you have proved or disproved your hypothesis.
Voila! Done.
Checklist before final hand in
- Contents Page
- All pages numbered
- All photos, graphs, charts etc numbered in order e.g. fig 1, fig 2 etc
- Header of your name & Candidate Number
- Footer of International School of Toulouse FR042
- Front Cover with the following:
How do geomorphic processes affect the coast in Sitges, Spain?
Your Full Name
International School of Toulouse
An Image
Paper 3 - Coursework
IGCSE Geography 0460
May/June 2024
Word Count (should be no more than 2000).